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Auto, Motorcycle, Big Trucks
Whether you are selling a car or are buying one Affordable auto title can help you transfer ownership of the vehicle. We can also issue a new registration sticker and license plates. We do them all--- from the simplest title transactions to the most difficult ones.
Vehicles are required to be titled in the buyer's name within 30 calendar days. Failing to properly transfer a vehicle into the buyer's name could result in the seller being held responsible for ticket, toll violations etc..
Provide the buyer with a properly signed title, including the date of sale and odometer reading and a signed vehicle title application, with the sales price clearly shown.
You must provide proof of liability insurance when you title and register your vehicle or if the vehicle you purchased has current Texas registration that is transferred to you. If you do not provide proof of insurance, you may apply for a TITLE ONLY. All out of state title transfers must be accompanied by Vehicle Identification Certificate (Form VI-30), completed by a safety inspection station and an Out of State Certificate also provided by the station.
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