DBA [Doing Business As]
DBA stands for Doing Business As. Filing a DBA allows you to conduct
business under a different name. DBA filings are useful and practical for
types of business.
Sole Proprietors may not want to use their social security number or
own name for their business. For sole proprietors, filing a DBA offers a
low-cost option to operate a business and obtain a Federal tax id number
without having to formally incorporate their business.
Corporations and LLCs can also file a DBA in order to operate under an
additional name. For example, if Mike's Plumbing Company wants to start
plumbing, Mike can file a DBA for . This allows Mike to use a
business name that accurately reflects his work without having to incur
legal fees involved in incorporating a second business.
Who are DBA filings for?
All types of businesses can file a DBA, including corporations,
nonprofits, partnerships and sole proprietors.
What kind of name can I choose for my business?
You may choose any name available in your state or county. Typically, if
there's not another business with the same thing doing the same thing
you may use that name. Filing a DBA does not allow you to use a corporate
ending such as LLC or Inc. with your name. Mike's Plumbing, but not for
Plumbing, Inc.
Where will my DBA be filed?
Depending on the type of business (corporation, llc, sole proprietor,
etc.), your DBA filing may occur at either the state, county or city
Rules vary in each state. For example, Texas requires filing at both
state and
county level.
The good news is that no matter where you live, DBA-Filings.com Will:
* Check the availability of your business name to ensure that your
chosen DBA name is available.
* Draft the correct Application or applications, depending on local
laws where you live.
* We file the DBA for you. Or, if your signature is required, we will
send you all of the completed forms with explicit, step-by-step
instructions on how to complete your DBA filing on your own.
* Publish your DBA filing in accordance with local law, where